Getting Started... Again.

As an act of accountability and hopefully not futility, I have decided to write about my latest foray into losing weight and getting healthier.

Today I stepped on the scale and I saw the highest number in seven years, 251.2. This was not encouraging. Thirteen months ago, I weighed almost 30 pounds less than that, 222.4. This morning, I was laying in bed and feeling overall crummy and decided: today was the day I was going to commit to losing weight. Not on a Monday like I always do, or at the beginning of the month, but today, a Tuesday, and the middle of the month. It’s imperative that I commit. And commit immediately.

A few thoughts on how I will accomplish my goals. First I have to set some goals. First things first, lose 10 pounds as fast as I can (with an overall goal of being under 200 pounds). I believe that I can do this over the next 2 weeks. I know I have a lot of bloat/water weight to lose, and I do think I can lose the first ten pounds quickly if I commit to a few basic tenets:

  • No alcohol at home. I drink entirely too much as is, and this disrupts my judgment, my sleep, and my metabolism. However, if I can commit to not drinking at home, I know that this will decrease my drinking drastically, and I can still feel normal when out and about with friends.

  • Two drinks max outside of the home and zero beer. Whether at a friend’s house or at a restaurant, I need to stick to a maximum of two drinks. One drink can be a fancy cocktail, and the other can be a gin and soda type offering. Wine is allowed, but two glass max.

  • Do not, at any point eat fast food breakfast. My weakness every single day is wanting to go get a fast food biscuit. Whether that is at McDonald’s, Hardees, or Bojangles, I love them so much. However, this starts me off horribly.

  • Intermittent fast until at least 12:00 pm every weekday. This will keep me from fast food breakfast, and also keep my decision-making for later meals in check. If I absolutely must eat, eat low carb high protein options, ie eggs and chicken sausage.

  • Lower carb higher protein eating template. I tend to feel the best and least hungry when I eat this way. Also, once I get acclimated, my cravings for bread and carbs vanish. And the weight falls off. I don’t believe this is the only way to lose weight, but I do think it helps me.

  • Drink more water. I don’t want to commit to some arbitrary 1 oz water for every pound of weight, but I do believe that being hydrated and drinking water is healthy, so I am committing to drinking more and as needed.

  • Commit to getting 15K steps a day. Walking is a miracle drug for weight loss and physical and mental health.

  • Commit to a solid sleep schedule where I am in bed for at least 8 hours, but no more than 8.5 hours. I only add the caveat of no more than 8.5 hours because I want to attack the morning.

  • Attack the morning. Get a minimum one-mile walk in every morning to set me up for a good day.

  • Lift weights at least 2x a week. I think this is sufficient for at minimum muscle retention, but I believe some gains can be made.

  • Weigh daily if possible, keep a checklist of the above goals, and check in on this blog as much as I can. This is my accountability journal. This is my outlet to show myself how far I can go. This is my personal diary to share with anyone I feel it can help, or can help me.

That’s it for now. I am here and I am committed. Here’s to losing my first 10 pounds, and the next 41.4 after that.